Dog blog 19 - Courage
Courage Look at Dave's friend Sally. She's off to try her new hang-gliding kit in the park. "Gives you a really good lift for chasing rabbits" , she says. Now flying like that takes a certain amount of courage . Which prompted the Dog to do a little musing or two whilst chewing a Bonio ("the nation's favourite dog biscuit") . Quick sniff in the dictionary First, just to be a bit sure of himself, the Dog thought he'd double check what "courage" actually means; he'd come unstuck before confusing the, fairly rudimentary, words, "now don't you eat that cake..." . The Oxford English Dictionary ("the definitive record of the English language") had a nice little definition, tucked away at sense 4: "...t hat quality of mind which shows itself in facing danger without fear or shrinking; bravery, boldness, valour." Now, on that definition, Sally is courage-max, for sure, do...