Dog blog 2 - lists

Lists of things that don't get much of a mention these days
If they ever did. Here's a list I just made up. In no particular order. Other than the order I've just put them in:

1) Peas. Good with pesto in a soup. Fun to ping over the table at someone. And a nice green colour.

2) Fizzy sweets. Good in the cinema if you've got one of those boxes, and you think you're getting a toffee bonbon, but actually, it's a pink cola bottle. That's a nice thing. Unless the film you're watching is scary, then it probably doesn't quite have the same impact. But generally fizzy sweets = happy days.

3) Marmalade. Marmalade on toast. I put dried chillies on it. Good with a coffee too. That is, drinking a coffee to accompany your eatings of toast with marmalade. And chillies on the marmalade. Not marmalade in coffee. That would be silly. You could try it. But it will be rubbish. Honestly.

4) Dialing an old telephone. You know, the ones that have a round dial. I don't have one. But it might be fun. Or, it could be fun for a minute or two, then you'd realise that you'd just wasted quite a lot of money. And it probably wouldn't work properly with one of those funny broadband phone thingys. You might grow to like it though, after you'd got over the initial annoyance.

5) Sticky stamps. Licking envelopes or old stamps was a bit minky. The stamps that you get in a book are better. Don't leave them in a back pocket though and forget about them. They don't wash well.

6) Tapes. For your stereo. Anyone under about 25 won't have a clue what I'm talking about. Google it. Making your own tapes. It was quite fun. And maybe making your own cover for the box too.

7) Staying in the bath till the water has gone. Lay in the bath. Pull the plug. Wait till it's all gone. Amazing feeling. And you can rock back and forwards when the water's almost away and make tooty noises. Like you were doing a big toot toot out of your bot bot.

8) Making lists of things that end at 8.


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